New Hampshire Births to 1901
Excerpted from New Hampshire Vital Records

Recorded by Martha Altemus
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L
M | N | O | PQ | R | S | T | UV | W | XYZ

DANA born Mar. 11, 1802 of John and Mahitable reported from Marlow

DANIEL born Nov. 22, 1791 Hancock of Joseph and Molley

DANIEL born June 8, 1781 of Solomon and Sarah reported New Boston

DANIEL born Mar. 15, 1784 of Solomon and Sarah reported from New Boston

DANIEL born Oct. 15, 1767 Winchester of William and Elizabeth

DANIEL born July 3, 1796 of Daniel and Abigail Wright reported from Hanover

DANIEL G. born Oct. 6, 1880 Windsor first child of Perley H. born and residing in Windsor farmer and Abby M. born Pembroke

DANIEL GORDIN born Mar. 29, 1812 Goffstown of James and Margaret

DANIEL L. or S. born Jan. 11, 1842 of Jonathan and Mary, reported New Boston

DAVID born July 29,1765 Goffstown of Antipas and Anna

DAVID born Mar.22, 1786 Amherst of Bartholomew and Martha

DAVID born Jan. 27, 1810 Amherst of Bartholomew and Polly

DAVID born Dec. 25, 1796 of David, reported from Stark

DAVID born Apr. 10, 1779 Winchester of Elijah and Anna

DAVID born July 23,1766 of David and Mary reported from Sandown

DAVID born Apr. 2, 1790 Winchester of Ebenezer and Eunice

DAVID born Apr. 7, 1795 of Elisha and Ginger reported from New Boston

DAVID JR. born Oct. 1, 1799 4th child of Davidresiding Lyman reported from Lyman

DAVID D. born Oct. 20, 1840 Goffstown of Daniel J. or G. and Elvira

DEXTER born Oct. 7 (no year given) Marlow second child of Willie A. 38 born and residing in Marlow farmer and Jennie M. Polly born Gilsum 35

DORCAS born Sept. 30, 1765 Winchester of Joseph and Sarah

DOLLY born Oct. 12,1796 of Nathan and Pamelia reported from Chesterfield

DUDLEY born May 24, 1773 Hampton Falls of Nathaniel H. born and residing in Hampton Falls and Sarah

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