Berkshire County, Western Massachusetts
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Ashfield Great Barrington Lanesborough Lee New Ashford
Peru Sandisfield Tyringham W. Stockbridge Williamstown Windsor

Ashfield, Berkshire Co.
Eber Dodge of Charlemont and Miss Sarah C. Fuller of A., int. Mar. 21, 1840 (note from DFA: A’ means ‘of Ashfield’)
Stephen Dodge of Conway and Mehitabl[e] Hutson of A. int. Mar. ----, 1796
Great Barrington, Berkshire Co
George Dodge, c. Jonathan and Rebecca (Notewire) Nov. 20l 1813 in Hillsdale, NY

Nathaniel and Rebecca Notewear, [rec. between Apr. 20, 1812 and Apr. 20, 1813}*

Elizabeth Dodge, d. Rufus and Anne, Oct. 5, 1785 C.R. 2
Francis [sic] d. Rufus and Anne, “Buried” [Oct] 10, 1785 C.R.2
Lanesborough, Berkshire Co
Edgerton Ellis Dodge & Katherine I. Humpheyville Nov. 26, 1891

Freeman F. Dodge, Sept. 5, 1922
Lee, Berkshire Co.
Abraham Dodge, ch. Asahel and w., Sept. 19, 1780
Alanzo W., ch. Elisha and Abby W., Feb. 14, 1831
Almira, ch. Elisha and Betsey, June 6, 1802 [w. Joseph Bassett. G/R/]
Asahel, ch. Asahel and w., Nov. 23, 1784
Elisha, ch. Elisha and Betsey, July 12, 1805
Hanah, ch. Elisha and Betsey, Aug. 13, 1799
Heman, ch. Asahel and w., Nov. 7, 1782
Samuel, ch. Asahel and w., May 29, 1792
Sarah, ch. Asahel and w., May 18, 1787
Seymour, ch. Asahel and w., Apr. 29, 1778

Alimira Dodge and Joseph Bassett, Oct. 2, 1823
Betsey and Collens [Collins, C.R.] Hall, Dec. 30, 1811
Elisha and Betsey Crosby, June 21, 1798
Elisha and Abigail E. Wright, int. May 17, 1828
Harriet and Noah Rogers Bradley, June 14, 1820
Miriam and Francis Nye, Sept. 2, 1779

Abby W. Dodge, June 2, 1831 [a] 24. [Abigail, w. Elisha, June 1, C.R. G.R.]
Elisha Dodge, Mar. 13, 1807, a. 31 [a. 31y. 6m., C.R.]

New Ashford, Berkshire Co.
Cyrus Dodge and Gehannah Beech, int. Nov. 27, 1797
Daniel (Dodg) [dup. Dodge] and Marther [dup. Martha] Lyon of Lanesboro, int. Sept. 2, 1787
Esriel Dodge and Elisabeth Austin, int. Jan. 9., 1795
Hannah Dodge and Nathaniel Harmon, int. Oct. 15, 1801

Anne Dodge, s. Daniel, Apr. 8, 1804, in 65th y., G.R. (note by DFA-Does this mean that Daniel was also a Dodge?)
Peru, Berkshire Co.
Daniel Dodge, s. Dr. John and Sally, Oct. 14, 1805
John Hr., s. Dr. John and Sally, May 4, 1804

Dr. John Dodge and Salla Cole [ int. Sally Cole}, -----, 1804 [int. Mar. 22, 1804]
Sandisfield, Berkshire Co.
Deborah Dodge, d. Francis Dodge and Deborah, b. Sept. 11, 1757

Deborah Dodge, wife of Francis, Jan. 24, 1811
Francis Dodge, husband of above, April 2, 1891, age 95 yrs.
Tyringham, Berkshire Co.
Alvan Dodge, s. Amos Dodge and Elisabeth, Mar. 30, 1785
Artemas, s. Ozias Dodge and Elisabeth, July 9, 1796
Dardania, d. Ozias Dodge and Elisabeth, Apr. 11, 1790
Elis Dodge, s. Amos and Elisabeth, Dec. 27, 1786
Elisabeth, d. . Ozias Dodge and Elisabeth, Dec. 27, 1786
John, s. . Ozias Dodge and Elisabeth, Oct. 6, 1783, “at the Nine Partners Mine Precinct”
Sarah, d. . Ozias Dodge and Elisabeth, Aug. 8, 1792

Amos Dodge and Elisabeth Webber, Sept. 4, 1783 C.R.
Mary Dodge and Thomas Graton, Mar. 25, 1784 C.R.
Ozias Dodge and Elisabeth Warrin, Nov. 21, 1782 C.R.

John Dodge, Sept. 24, 1797
Sara Dodge, w. John, Dec. 18, 1795
West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co.
Lydia Dodge, d. David N., teamster, and Sophia, May 24, 1844

Lydia Dodge, d. David N., and Sophia, convulsions, June 28, 1845, a. 1 y. 1 m. 4 d.
Williamstown, Berkshire Co.
Asariah Dodge [ Oct. ---, 1792] G.R. 8

Joel Dodge of New Ashford and Sarah Brewster, Aug. 1, 1791*
Joel Dodge and Hannah Cutler, -----[1807] [int. Feb. 14, 1807]
Lois Dodge and Samuel Brown, Sept. 30, 1784
Windsor, Berkshire Co.
Liza Mary Dodge, d. Amos and Mary, Mar. 10, 1812
Solomon Dodge, s. Amos and Mary, July 29, 1810

Amos Dodge of Dalton and Mary Budkley, Int. Nov. 11, 1809